Lebara continues to offer you an outstanding network
Still «OUTSTANDING». Lebara is proud to continue to offer you an outstanding network.
According to connect, Sunrise offers the best mobile services and the most reliable data connections in Switzerland. Sunrise provides the best-quality mobile broadband coverage and, with 973 out of a maximum of 1,000 points, the Sunrise mobile network is one of the top ten mobile networks in the world.
The top performance and quality of the Sunrise mobile network are no coincidence. Sunrise invests continuously in the development of its network, which is the only network in Switzerland to have been rated «OUTSTANDING» nine times in a row.

Customer satisfaction
The independent online comparison service moneyland.ch conducted a representative survey of satisfaction levels among Swiss mobile service customers. Lebara scores "good" and occupies one of the top positions.

5G Mobile Experience Awards
Sunrise wins in 4 different categories: 5G Video Experience, 5G Games Experience, 5G Download Speed, 5G Upload Speed.

Network coverage
Explore our excellent network with the interactive map of Sunrise. Find out about mobile coverage anywhere in Switzerland, even at home!